Sunday, September 27, 2009


WASHINGTON STREET in Dumbo, Brooklyn.

I visited 13th Annual Dumbo, ART UNDER THE BRIDGE FESTIVAL. This was an event which celebrated new artists and the local community which supports and preserves the Dumbo's unique art scene.
Although I am not an expert in art, I was at least able to consume the energy of the new artists as well as the art community.

But, what really caught my attention was, (of course!), the streets of Dumbo.

Streams of industrial, rusty buildings kept captivating my eyes. The scene-appropriate, hip crowds filled the streets to add extra coolness to the district. To me, walking through and observing these elements were cultural and design indulgence. The whole scenery was too rich for me. It was too overwhelming or challenging to throughly recap the experience of the visit to Dumbo.

There is definitely an one-of-a-kind coolness to the district of Dumbo. Let me call it, DUMBO COOL from now on.

D.U.M.B.O. Arts Center (DAC)
30 Washington Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 12 - 6pm
Admission: $2 Suggested Donation

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