Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jen! Jen! Jen!

SPRING ST. between Bowery and Elizabeth.

I visited opening reception of Hey, Hot Shot! at Jen Bekman Gallery.
Although it has only a small space exhibiting only about 20 pieces, I could spend almost 30 minutes to examine each piece.

Then, I realize that I was examining it as if I would buy some of them, which I would never feel at any other gallery, simply because, they are way too classy.

On the other hand....

Jen Bekman exhibits the art work of emerging artists and deliver it to a broader audience; average "us". Art pieces are relatively affordable, reflecting the gallery's project, Jen Bekman Project's concept "Art for Everyone." You can mesmerize yourself with the sexy idea of "owning genuine art work", because here at Jen Bekman, even average "me" and "you" and everyone else is welcomed to own a piece of art of their choice.

Art is more "down-to-earth". Art is more organic at Jen Bekman Gallery. That's why I feel welcomed and comfortable staying there.

Biz Info:
Jen Bekman Gallery
6 spring street
new york city 10012
tel: 212.219.0166

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